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Claudio Graziano Stipendio

Remembering the Life and Legacy of Claudio Graziano

Former Chief of Defense and Fincantieri Chairman

In Memoriam

Claudio Graziano, the renowned Italian general who served as Chief of Defense and later became Chairman of Fincantieri, passed away on Monday, June 17, 2024. His passing has sent shockwaves throughout the defense industry and the wider community that admired his leadership and dedication.

Born in Torino on November 22, 1953, Claudio Graziano embarked on a distinguished military career that spanned decades. He rose through the ranks, eventually becoming Chief of Defense in 2015. In this role, he oversaw the modernization and transformation of Italy's armed forces, enhancing their capabilities and readiness. His strategic vision and unwavering commitment to excellence left an enduring mark on the Italian military.

In 2022, Claudio Graziano embarked on a new chapter in his professional journey, assuming the role of Chairman of Fincantieri, a leading global shipbuilder. His expertise and industry knowledge proved invaluable as he guided the company through a period of growth and innovation. Under his leadership, Fincantieri strengthened its position as a key player in the maritime sector.

Claudio Graziano will be remembered as a visionary leader, a dedicated servant of his country, and a tireless advocate for the advancement of defense and maritime industries. His legacy will live on through the countless lives he touched and the many contributions he made to the national and international communities.

We extend our deepest condolences to Claudio Graziano's family, friends, and colleagues. His passing is a profound loss to the defense community and the wider society. His memory will serve as an inspiration to those who seek to serve their country with honor, distinction, and unwavering commitment.
